Krazie_Ivan :
TerryLaze :
Krazie_Ivan :
442.4fps = 9900k
298.1fps = 2700x
265fps = fastest monitor money can buy
0 = real-world difference between CPU fps performance in that test
...numbers alone do not provide context. they are essentially equal in CSGO, so the data result is an outlier & should only be included for the sake of bench thoroughness to find anomalies. the 48% gap is valid, and should be noted, but it's being used in this case to skew the final/combined grading curve in a way that does not represent real-world experience.
This is not a benchmark of real-world experience,this is a CPU benchmark
and one CPU is 48% faster than the other.
Just because the difference get's hidden today behind weak GPU performance (or monitor restrictions) doesn't make this difference any less important or any less real,in 4-5years from now the 48% will be the norm instead of an outlier.
the entire purpose of benching is to show real-world perf expectations that the end-user will experience, otherwise we could just pull numbers out of a hat that nobody would be interested in. so, like i said; "the 48% gap is valid, and should be noted" it does show a potential gain in certain circumstances.
...if AMD had some sort of tech that could read/write data to/from storage at 10PB/ns, then it'd def be worth noting. but until the rest of the ecosystem catches up to take adv of it, then including it as a win against Intel would be misleading at best. now, if the ecosystem had that capability within it's reach in a relatively short time, then the tech gains noteworthiness. it's academic at this point, just like 440fps.
It makes me wonder how they would perform on real hard drive controllers and SAS technology (full duplex SATA). I noticed different cpu usages with the windows10 SATA driver it loads for these cheap controllers they stick on these boards. I also notice if I change what windows think the processor is (without changing the cpu), the driver's cpu load changes.