[Problem] Asus Sabertooth r2.0 One Long Three shorts speaker beeps


Jan 8, 2014

I'm having some problems with my Asus Sabertooth r2.0 mbo:

- after booting 1 long 3 shorts speaker beeps, -> black monitor screen

Thought it could be my video card (GTX 6700) -> changed pci slot -> no difference
Thought it could be my ram (Corsair Vengence) SPECS -> changed ram positions in different slots -> no difference

Thought I will check my GC on different working comp -> GC working
Thought my pci slots are broken -> I put working GC -> slots are ok

After that, I have put my GC again to computer and this shit start working again!
Reboot -> still working -> reboot -> 1 long 3 shorts speaker beeps, -> black monitor screen.

Sometime during my swaps 1 long and 2 shorts speaker beeps have appeared.

Sometime ago pushing GC or moving with monitor cable worked fine, but atm it's only getting worse.

What should I do?
Please write some check list to do, I will make everything and post results.
"Memory test failure. An error has been detected
in the memory over the first 64K. Try replacing the memory, and if
that doesn’t do it, the motherboard."

Try one stick at a time in each slot. If it works in one channel but not the other, it might be the CPU where the memory controller is.

Thats sounds a bit spooky,

I have tried putting only one memory stick in every slot, but this did not give any positive results.

Thank you for your answer,

Today I will try to make crossfire test with different ram sticks,
sadly after rebooting and when comp boot properly (time when shit starts working again)
It shows the proper amount off ram..

I will post results today