[SOLVED] Problem in installing Borland Builder C++ 6.0 on Windows 10


Jul 16, 2017
Hi, I need to modify a program written by somebody else under Borland Builder C++ 6.0. The application involves calling lots of Form and it was developed under this compiler. I have been trying to install it on my new PC running Windows 10 without success. I have tried the following. Copied all the installation files to C drive. Right click on property of the installer and checked compatibility mode. When I tried to install the program in the default directory (Program Files (x86)) or a self created directory in C:, I got a installation rejected error. What can I do?
I'm using C++ Builder 5.0 in Windows 10 (two Win10 systems, desktop and laptop). It installed with no problems on my laptop. It's all 32-bit. The one on my desktop was originally installed in Win7 which was upgraded to Win10, it carried over fine. The biggest problem I had was getting WinHelp installed and working on Win10, which I did get it working. [Screen Shot]

It looks like many others have tried and failed to install 6.0 on Win 10. I would look up the exact error you are having.
I got a installation rejected error
Also are you running it as Admin? If not, try doing so.

They recently removed the free version of RAD Studio (you can now get a Demo I guess). I'm currently changing some of my code from RAD Studio back...
You are trying 20-year old application on a modern computer. There are good chances it used 16-bit code, and this won't run on most Win10 machines.

Install Windows XP into a virtual machine, and install BCC there. And think about upgrading the application to current standards.

You can download Community edition of RAD Studion CBuilder++ for free, and see how much efforts you'd need. It might be just a simple rebuild, or a lot of rework.
I'm using C++ Builder 5.0 in Windows 10 (two Win10 systems, desktop and laptop). It installed with no problems on my laptop. It's all 32-bit. The one on my desktop was originally installed in Win7 which was upgraded to Win10, it carried over fine. The biggest problem I had was getting WinHelp installed and working on Win10, which I did get it working. [Screen Shot]

It looks like many others have tried and failed to install 6.0 on Win 10. I would look up the exact error you are having.
I got a installation rejected error
Also are you running it as Admin? If not, try doing so.

They recently removed the free version of RAD Studio (you can now get a Demo I guess). I'm currently changing some of my code from RAD Studio back to BCB 5.0 because I'm not going to pay (a huge sum) for the compiler. Embarcadero has ruined it and I knew they would.