I say maybe because it could very well be user error. I decided to replace my desktop’s HDD with an SSD. I purchased a 1 TB SSD, a USB 3 to Sata cable, and I used Minitool Partition Wizard to clone my HDD. I cloned the entire drive, not just the operating system. It took about 2 hours to clone it. After my machine rebooted, I went to file explorer and I could see the SSD (still connected by USB) and it’s partitions. My old HDD was C-G. I know see that I have that as well as H-N. I wanted to see if everything copied over correctly, but when I try to open “H”….where the cloned operating system is, Windows tells me “You currently don’t have permission to access this folder. Click Continue to permanently get access to this folder”. When I click on “Continue”, it tell me “You have been denied permission to access this folder, To gain access to this folder you need to use the security tab”. “Security tab” is a blue link in that warning…when I click on it, it opens up that folder’s properties, but the security tab is missing. So I read up a little bit on what to do when you can’t see the security tab in a folder’s properties, So I read about going into registry editor and finding HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Policies\Explorer
Of cours, when I get there, I don’t have “NoSecurityTab” available for me to change the value.
So then I read that I could bring up the command prompt and enable security tab by entering the command: REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v Nosecuritytab /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
So I tried that and got the ERROR: Access is denied.
So I’m not sure what the problem is. The first thing I will say is that I haven’t taken out my old HDD and put the SSD in it’s place. I still have the old HDD in the computer. I don’t know if things will work just fine if I take out the HDD and connect the SSD in it’s place using the same SATA connection. Theoretically I assume it will just work because it’s a clone in the same place. As far as why I can’t have access to “H” I don’t know. I can open up I, J, K, L, M, and N which were created on the SSD when it cloned the HDD. It’s just “H” that I can’t get into. I am the only user on my machine and Windows and I am an administrator.
I’m just stumped. Maybe I just have to swap them out and it would work fine? But then won’t I have the problem again when I put the HDD back in there for extra storage? Hopefully there is enough info here for someone to point me in the right direction. Any help is appreciated.
Of cours, when I get there, I don’t have “NoSecurityTab” available for me to change the value.
So then I read that I could bring up the command prompt and enable security tab by entering the command: REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v Nosecuritytab /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
So I tried that and got the ERROR: Access is denied.
So I’m not sure what the problem is. The first thing I will say is that I haven’t taken out my old HDD and put the SSD in it’s place. I still have the old HDD in the computer. I don’t know if things will work just fine if I take out the HDD and connect the SSD in it’s place using the same SATA connection. Theoretically I assume it will just work because it’s a clone in the same place. As far as why I can’t have access to “H” I don’t know. I can open up I, J, K, L, M, and N which were created on the SSD when it cloned the HDD. It’s just “H” that I can’t get into. I am the only user on my machine and Windows and I am an administrator.
I’m just stumped. Maybe I just have to swap them out and it would work fine? But then won’t I have the problem again when I put the HDD back in there for extra storage? Hopefully there is enough info here for someone to point me in the right direction. Any help is appreciated.