Problem with DirectX 9 and NFS 5 Porsche??



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I have an AMD 2200 with WIN 98 and an Aopen FX 5200 DV 128 VGA-Card.
Since I installed the new NVIDIA drivers (66.71) and DirectX 9c, the Game
NFS 5 doesn`t run.
My Problem is, I need the newer Version of Direct X for my TV-Card!
Knew someone this Problem or how to solve it?

Thanks a lot
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> I have an AMD 2200 with WIN 98 and an Aopen FX 5200 DV 128 VGA-Card.
> Since I installed the new NVIDIA drivers (66.71) and DirectX 9c, the Game
> NFS 5 doesn`t run.
> My Problem is, I need the newer Version of Direct X for my TV-Card!
> Knew someone this Problem or how to solve it?

NFS4, NFS5, and MCO have compatable directx drivers.

Try the spot patch (it's intended for NFS4, but it works with NFS5).

Just extract the DX7Z.DLL and DX8Z.DLL from it. If DX7Z.DLL doesn't
help, then delete or rename it and then rename DX8Z.DLL to DX7Z.DLL.

Here's a link to the spot patch:
Archived from groups: (More info?)

"D. Belka" <> wrote in message
>I have an AMD 2200 with WIN 98 and an Aopen FX 5200 DV 128 VGA-Card.
> Since I installed the new NVIDIA drivers (66.71) and DirectX 9c, the Game
> NFS 5 doesn`t run.
> My Problem is, I need the newer Version of Direct X for my TV-Card!
> Knew someone this Problem or how to solve it?
> Thanks a lot

I have a problem with mine (don't know if it's related to yours, though).
I have an AMD 2100 with winXP and GF 4200ti. I can run NFS 5, but it won't
allow all of the video modes that I know my card can display. like 1024x768
and 1280x1024 and 1600x1200.
All of my other games can reach these modes, and direct x reports that they
work, but NFS 5 won't even allow me to see them on the display setup screen.
the highest it goes is 800x600. I figured it was an out of date driver, but
never knew how to change it .. until now.