Problem with display


Jan 3, 2015
hey guys I recently built my new pc and everything is working fine however when i plugged my hdmi cable from my gpu to my monitor the monitor didnt pick up the signal. Any ideas on what the problem could be?
i fixed it the light on the gpu was red then after i redid the wiring the light became green and started working thanks for your help though

Has the display worked before this new pc was built? As in has you tried it with a different pc? Also, have you tried a different HDMI cable, sometimes cables can be defective, and sometimes it could be your GPU.
yeah the monitor works fine as in it turns on and searches for an hdmi to connect to however even though the cable is connected it says no signal detected. also the cable is fine as i used it for my ps3 before and my gpu works( the light switches on when plugged in and the fans work on it)

I think it is your GPU then if your monitor works and your cable works. Lights and fans won't tell you if it is working properly, you can have the whole GPU powered up and everything, if the display ports on it are defective or something, you won't get signal, I had the same problem with my GPUs.

The motherboard? I've never connected anything video wise to the motherboard before for video, so I'm not sure if it could be the motherboard.
i fixed it the light on the gpu was red then after i redid the wiring the light became green and started working thanks for your help though

lol, you re-did some wiring? Well, at least you did it right, so that was lucky. But I'm glad it worked out for you, have fun, you deserve a self best answer :)

haha yeah thanks appreciate your help 😛