[SOLVED] Problem With Graphics Card on old pC??


Dec 25, 2014
Hi Folks,
My Friend has an Old Pc WIth i7 2nd generation , motherboard intel DH61WW, 8gb ram, Graphics card geoforce 710 2 gb & operating system windows 7 now he has upgraded his graphics card and Smps to corsair vs450 and rx 560 OC 4gb but now he is not getting any signal on the monitor, so i tried installing the same card to another pc to see if it is working or not but it worked on my other pc .
after that i removed the graphics card and tried onboard integrated graphics on his pc and it worked.
After some research i tried updating the Bios of the motherboard but when i tried that it prompted a message " Capsule invalid" . now i am not able to diagnose the problem the pc is till working flawlessly on the integrated intel graphics but not working on the graphics card rx 560 OC 4gb
Kindly, Help Me to Solve this Problem Thanks in advance :)
First off, that PSU shouldn't be anywhere near a computer. Second, this has been answered in other threads but I'll mention it here. After the 1000 series cards from Nvidia and the similar counterpart from AMD's camp, all GPU's come with an UEFI VBIOS which means that if you drop the latest GPU's onto a non UEFI BIOS board, you're only going to see a black screen in spite of the system booting to OSes GUI.

Also, where did you source the BIOS update for your motherboard? Did you uninstall the Nvidia GPU's drivers prior to populating the GPU in the motherboard slot?
First off, that PSU shouldn't be anywhere near a computer. Second, this has been answered in other threads but I'll mention it here. After the 1000 series cards from Nvidia and the similar counterpart from AMD's camp, all GPU's come with an UEFI VBIOS which means that if you drop the latest GPU's onto a non UEFI BIOS board, you're only going to see a black screen in spite of the system booting to OSes GUI.

Also, where did you source the BIOS update for your motherboard? Did you uninstall the Nvidia GPU's drivers prior to populating the GPU in the motherboard slot?