problem with imgur screen shots

Until recently i have been able to put multiple screenshots into a posting but now i cant do it.
If i "copy link " of more than 1 screenshot and paste it into a thread it has the word blob in front of the http and if i click on the link to test it , it says 404 ooops image cant be found.

I have uploaded and drag drop the screenshots but the same thing happens


Until recently i have been able to put multiple screenshots into a posting but now i cant do it.
If i "copy link " of more than 1 screenshot and paste it into a thread it has the word blob in front of the http and if i click on the link to test it , it says 404 ooops image cant be found.

I have uploaded and drag drop the screenshots but the same thing happens
You can always use the insert image option ....
thanks i found that bit ..... btw i forgot to mention to upload a picture i use new post tab top left , since the site was updated if i try to log in it says something on the lines of .... not available in your region so every upload is now a " one off " i can no longer build up a library


Win 11 Master
They changed it so every post is its own post BUT you still get a copy of them in your library as well.

Your inability to logon might happen if you use a vpn. As there are only a few countries in the world that block imgur.

If you are logged in when you create a post the images will all go into your account, and you can just as easily link multiple images into a thread. If you click on user name & then Images it still shows all your library.

I may need to redo my guide but for the most part the way you insert images is still the same.
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