Problem with save files in Skyrim - Issues with Steam Cloud?

Koushick Talukdar

Oct 31, 2014

I am currently sharing my steam library with my borther on the same PC. He wants to play Skyrim on his account, we only have one gaming PC in the house which I invested in.

Problem is, when he plays, all my save files appear on his game. We have two seperate windows logins as well. This doesn't make sense, I mean isn't this one of the reasons why we have Steam Cloud? I don't want to risk him playing and accidently overwrite my files. Is there any way of convenienty seperating save files on our accounts so that only our own save files appear when we start the game on our own steam/windows accounts.
Ok. Steam usually stores 'save game' files in a different location to it's actual game data files (usually 'steamapps' - 'common').

Skyrim's save game files will automatically be stored in C:\Users\[UserName]\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves.

Because you're using the exact same library and therefore the exact same files, the save game location will also be exactly the same, resulting in both users being able to see each others saves.

I would have thought having different Windows user logins would have fixed that, but as you say that is not the case. Unfortunately, I do not know and haven't been able to find any way around this. My only advice is to clearly name your save files so you know who's save is who's so you don't delete or overwrite it.

Youtube guide on how to do this:

If you both do this, you'll be able to clearly see who the saved game belongs to and should minimise any risk of mixing them up.