problems connecting dlink route to a surfboard modem


Oct 2, 2014
ok here is my issue.. I have Comcast Cable Internet with a Motorola Surfboard SBG6580 Modem/Wirless Router

My speeds on a wired connection are great 80 - 100 mbs but I only get about 20-30 on the wireless. And most evenings while we watch TV (Appletv) it freezes and wont load.. I do a speed test from my Iphone and get sometimes less than 1mb during these times.

Have sat on the phone with Comcast many times and they see no issues, have had me change wireess channels etc to no resolve

I want to bypass the Surfboard wireless as I think it is junk and use a spare Dlink (wbr-1310) I have.

But when I plug the WAN port of the Dlink into the Surfboard and my PC hardwired into the Dlink I get no access.

also when my pc is hardwired to the Surfboard and I do a speed test (when the wireless is sucking, just to check) I still get 80-100 so its not my service, just my wireless
ip as far as to access the device or what ip does it assign to my pc? Because to access the device I have to use the standard so I have to plug my pc into either one that I want to configure, because they both have the same #...

I will check out the link at home tonight and try it... Thats really all I want is to be able to use the Dlink as a Access Point for Wireless
This did work Emerald. thank you!!! ....I just have one issue. I am still getting close to 100 mb on the hard wire... But on wireless speed test I can hardly get 15-20 is this normal?
I have the similar issue. I notice when using 5.0GHZ wireless from SBG6580 it is stunning fast as wired, but it sucks when switching to 2.4GHZ. I also have a DLINK DIR-655 router so I wonder if I can keep enabling 5.0GHZ from SB6580 and also plug in the DLINK to it and use 2.4GHZ of it as an additional separate network so I could have both running the same time?