Zlash had the right idea. But the "Open With" option is not always available on the right-click menu. You must first left-click on the picture file, which causes it to be highlighted. Then you press down the left shift key, and hold it. Then right-click on the file, and the "Open With" option will appear. Choose it, and scroll down the list of programs in the list box until you find Internet Explorer. If you don't see it in the list (for some unknown reason) ... do a search for IEXPLORE.EXE. Once you know where it is located, browse to the file, and select it. Click the checkbox at the bottom of the list box that forces this program to always open that file type.
You can also do this manually. This is done from the View/Options/File Types menu in Windows Explorer. There is an editing system in this area, and each file type can be selected and assigned a program.
Note: Internet Explorer is not the preferred method selected by experienced users for opening picture files. For example, I use <A HREF="http://www.acdsystems.com/English/Products/ImagingProducts/ACDSee/ACDSee/index.htm" target="_new">ACDSee</A>, and have for several years. But there are also some nice freeware viewers, the best of which (IMHO) is Irfanview. You can easily locate and download this viewer at your closest <A HREF="http://www.tucows.com/" target="_new">Tucows</A> website.
<font color=red>My Rig:</font color=red> <A HREF="http://www.anandtech.com/mysystemrig.html?rigid=6847" target="_new"><font color=green>Toejam31's Tantalizing Tantric Toy</font color=green></A>
<font color=red>Second Rig:</font color=red> <A HREF="http://www.anandtech.com/mysystemrig.html?rigid=15942" target="_new"><font color=green>Toey's Dynamite DDR Duron</font color=green></A>
<font color=purple>"Procrastination on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."</font color=purple>