[SOLVED] Problems with Gmail Passwords, please help this teacher!


May 27, 2014
I am a teacher at two different schools. I have three different gmail accounts, my personal and my two school gmails. I can't seem to figure out how I can stay signed in to all of them at the same time. Can anyone help me? Thanks.
Hi, if you have Windows 10, it comes with it's pre-built Mail app. You can add there as many accounts as you want and they will all stay signed in.
The best thing about Windows 10 Mail is that different email accounts can be grouped, so one can have personal GMail, Outlook, Yahoo accounts in one group, and "business" GMail/Outlook/Yahoo/Company at another group. Each group has common Inbox, so it's quite easy to be on top of all your emails.
I have to watch and administer a handful of emails for our business.

The easiest thing to do:

Log in to the primary that you want to be "on the web as", so to speak. There is a dropdown below your login symbol in the upper right there that will allow you to log in as additional users. In my own case I open several tabs and have each one displaying the particular web page or email, or calendar that I want and then set them to be what opens when I use the browser. Any time you want to change it up just click on the upper right icon and go to the dropdown/user that you want to be or access at that moment.
Thanks, I have tried that but I keep getting signed out, Chrome or Gmail is signing me out. I don't understand how to stay signed in to these all the time.

This may well be a security feature put in place by your school IT team. Have you asked them?
Otherwise there is a stay signed in feature and you can sign out to individual accounts or the whole group at one time. I actually use another browser for personal use because of it's propensity to stay signed in.
Hi, if you have Windows 10, it comes with it's pre-built Mail app. You can add there as many accounts as you want and they will all stay signed in.
The best thing about Windows 10 Mail is that different email accounts can be grouped, so one can have personal GMail, Outlook, Yahoo accounts in one group, and "business" GMail/Outlook/Yahoo/Company at another group. Each group has common Inbox, so it's quite easy to be on top of all your emails.
The best thing about Windows 10 Mail is that different email accounts can be grouped, so one can have personal GMail, Outlook, Yahoo accounts in one group, and "business" GMail/Outlook/Yahoo/Company at another group. Each group has common Inbox, so it's quite easy to be on top of all your emails.
I'm using it for my Gmail and Outlook and so far I have no complaints. Interface looks good with a lot of customization and didn't find anything that I needed and it doesn't have.