I have a Modem/Wifi router. The thing is are internet was off we went to the company to get it turn back. When we got back we reset the router cause there was a problem with connecting with the internet. We can connect to the router but no internet access even tho clearly the light shows up that the internet is working. Well i have another router that is Belkin and it connect to the Modem/Wifi router (Yes 2 routers, One for gaming the other for what ever) but it shows up for blue light for about 1-5 mins then turns back to orange. I have went to CMD promt and did ipconfig / renew and all that also we have tried resting the router by hitting the reset button and not only that but unplug the power and the main cord (Thick cord) the POWER(ON) DS (ON) US (ON) ONLINE (ON) and the Enternet is also (ON) i have no clue what to do can someone please help me? Also in CMD promt the program says media disconnected and i reseted all the notch's and restarted my computer but still nothing.
P.S- We just got this router like a month or 2 ago and the internet last's for like 5-10 mins before automaticlly disconnect's everyone off the internet... this is really frustrating to post.
P.S- We just got this router like a month or 2 ago and the internet last's for like 5-10 mins before automaticlly disconnect's everyone off the internet... this is really frustrating to post.