Processor not hitting max frequency


Feb 8, 2015
My processor isn't hitting max frequency. Its clocked at 4.4GHz but its only hitting up to 2.4GHz. Tested it on a couple of games with cpuz monitoring it. Seems like I'm locked at 2.411Mhz. Anyone know why this is happening and have a solution for it?


The core speed is constanly matched with the HT link.
depending on the cpu it could be thermal throttling or voltage throttling. what cpu do you have?

the 4200U's in my school laptop cant get over 1.9Ghz and its rated for 2.6 turbo
when its full load it hits 2.3Ghz then it voltage throttles to 2.1Ghz then it thermally throttles to 1.9Ghz so its just crap

Never herd of thermal or voltage throttling, will do some research. I have fx 8310

cpu: fx8310
mobo:gigabye 970a ud3p
OS: Win 8.1

I tried dying light, lol, cod aw, and ps2

are you able to record your temps while you play and if you get XTU (intel extreme tuning utility) you should be able to see if the cpu throttles at all

sorry don't know why it posted that? 🙁

Its k
Here is what you need to do. If you have ok temps. Go to START--->Control Panel---->System and Security--->Power---->(your selected power option, click on CHANGE PLAN SETTINGS)--->Change ADVANCED POWER SETTINGS----->look for PROCESSOR POWER MANAGEMENT-> If the max value is not 100%, then that is the problem. Set it to 100%. Done.