Processor Overclocking and Usage


Jan 16, 2017
I am currently overclocked to a max 4.2 ghz but whenever I run the benchmark option on GTA 5 (full ultra graphics), I get around 50-70% usage at 4.12 ghz at around 30-40 fps. Battlefield 1 at ultra gets around 75-80% usage with 4.12 ghz at 30-50 fps. Why am I not getting full usage and full 4.2 ghz in my games when they can be at peak performance for more fps?


AMD 8350 4ghz factory clock --- overclocked 4.2 ghz

GTX 1060 6gb --- overclocked +110 mhz --- +600mhz memory --- +25 voltage

GAMING 970 AURA ASUS motherboard

16 gigs of ddr3

931GB Seagate ST1000DX002-2DV162 (SATA)

As I understand it, the 4.12 GHz vs 4.2 GHz being reported in different places comes down to rounding. Different programs will report the speed differently depending on where they decide to round.

As far as why usage isn't 100%, it's a difference between overall CPU usage and per-core usage. Most games rely on 1 main thread which then handles the scheduling and allocation to the other threads. The other threads can only do as much as the main thread can throw at them. When the main thread is saturated, the other cores won't have as much to do. If you look at your per-core usage, you'll probably see 1 thread running closer to 95-100%, and the other threads much lower because the main thread can't keep up.

Any words of advice that doesn't include buying another processor and motherboard?
You can experiment with overclocking of course, there are lots of guides here. Other than that, all you can do is try to reduce the demands on the CPU. Cut down on background tasks, lower the settings that affect CPU (not a lot of options there, most affect GPU mainly) and be aware of the specific instances where you slow down. Ie, lots of units on screen, specific maps, etc.

1. I am overclocked (up +200 mhz) 2. When I'm in a game, I always make sure that only the task running the game (steam, origin, battlenet, etc), the game itself, and geforce experience.