Processor problem (?) low speed!

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Dec 29, 2016
Hi guys, i searched a lot for an answer, but i coud not find it anywhere. I apologize for my english, i dont speak well it.
Anyway, i'm here to show you my problem.

Here are my pc's specifications.

I have a laptop, an asus n56j
intel i7 4710HQ
a 250GB SSD

Basically the processor is my problem. It goes from 3.5Ghz, or something similar (as it should go), to 0.3, 0.4 Ghz; and all when i'm playing! Just when i'm playing (probably cause it stress the pc).

I had to underline that this problem came when i bought the SSD, replacing my old HDD with this one.
I istalled again NVIDA geforce experience, i installed again windows 10, i installed pratically everying i had in the last HDD (graphic drivers and so on). But now when i play i face 7/8fps, and pratically cpu freezes (as i said something like 0.3/0.4 Ghz).

I tested cpu's temperature, its about 80-85, nothing so terrible for i laptop i think, i can't understand if clock's drop comes because of processors temperature.
I tried to install stuff like throttlestop, but it seems not to work.
I tried to delete and install again nvidia's divers, but it seems not to work.
I have my pc on high power management setting, with all to 100% (like minimum processor speed ecc.)

What could i do? What do you think about it? It could be OS? Should i unistall windows 10? But i repeat once again, i didnt have the problem with my old HDD, it came with the new SSD (it sounds incredible to me -.-)

Edit: Obviously the game run with dedicated nvidia graphic card
thanks for the reply.
I tried with a bios update, but it doesnt seems to work right now. I have the same problem.
I am trying directly with "FurMark" (im lazy, i dont want to run game every 5 minutes) to force my gpu nvidia, but i can see always the 0.6/0.7 Ghz on my CPU.
Also if i try with "HeavyLoad" to force my processor i can notice the 0.6/0.7 Ghz.
Do you have any other ideas?
U wrote about "Drivers are out", drivers about?

Edit: i ran also the "intel processor diagnostic tools", but it doenst reveal any problem.
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