Processor upgrade from athlon ii x4 645

Zane Lovence

Mar 31, 2014
hey guys many of you might see me asking this before but am on a low budget guys i really need strong advice on what to do i currently use the processor you see in the title i want to use phenom ii to play other games i don't play on high with AA and all that all i want is good fps

Motherboard is msi 785gt-e63 DDR2 running @800mhz my graphics card is msi r9 270 2gb edition i still get lag my processor is overclocked to 3.5ghz stable never had any BSOD or anything like that to prevent bottlenecks although i still get it please guys what should i do should i go to amd phenom ii so i can play games like far cry 4 watch dogs with no lag again i don't play on high or with AA just want smooth gameplay you guys know what am talking about
I have the same CPU overclocked at 3.75 and i can play FC4 without any issues. For watch dogs the only way to go is intel unless you set CPU related settings to low.

If i were you i;d upgrade the entire platform. Please know that i;m very budget minded and i;m not saying this lightly. Any upgrade on that platform is going to be wasting money. If you want silky smooth gameplay consider going with an unlocked i5. If you can;t afford that then 8320 or 8350 might be your best bet. In games like dragon age:I the 8350 will beat the i5 but in most unoptimized games the i5 wins.

and 8350 and Giga 990FX UD3 should do the trick if you;re on a budget. If you don;t have the cash then just wait until you do as its pointless to waste money on the...
I have the same CPU overclocked at 3.75 and i can play FC4 without any issues. For watch dogs the only way to go is intel unless you set CPU related settings to low.

If i were you i;d upgrade the entire platform. Please know that i;m very budget minded and i;m not saying this lightly. Any upgrade on that platform is going to be wasting money. If you want silky smooth gameplay consider going with an unlocked i5. If you can;t afford that then 8320 or 8350 might be your best bet. In games like dragon age:I the 8350 will beat the i5 but in most unoptimized games the i5 wins.

and 8350 and Giga 990FX UD3 should do the trick if you;re on a budget. If you don;t have the cash then just wait until you do as its pointless to waste money on the am2+ platform.
That motherboard has good VRMs and thats the primary reason i recommended it. Power has nothing to do with it; you'll want a motherboard that supports that 8 core and not catch on fire.

Regarding the 6300 -> its not a bad choice BUT its kind of like buying an Athlon rather than a Phenom :) Sound familiar?
Cheapest i could find:

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor ($131.98 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($74.98 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $206.96
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-12-14 20:27 EST-0500
wow looking at the price of the i5 can i can buy both the amd fx processor and motherboard...thats the reason why i went to amd intel is to expensive am going to buy the amd processor instead and the motherboard its not like it doesn't perform well its a good processor