Professional security magnet killed my motherboard


Nov 21, 2015
I kept a professional security tag magnet in the same rucksack as my laptop, (I run a clothes stall) I thought there was ample distance, (I know, my own stupid fault) I'd done it before and it was fine. This time motherboard dies. There probably isn't but If the magnet killed it, is there any way of fixing my motherboard? Any advice appreciated.
A magnet will not kill a Motherboard. the most it could do if it was VERY powerful would be to wipe a drive, and that is still a bit far fetched. Your hard drive may be dead, if not you may have left your laptop on in your rucksack leaving no where for the heat to escape causing it to exceed max temps and the motherboard fail.

I need more information, does it do anytihng when you power it up, does it boot? if you remove the hard drive and boot it does it come to a black screen that saya no boot device.

It switched off. I pressed it on. At first it said it automatically fix some problems before restarting and this might take a couple.of mimutes and might need re start a couple of times. I waited half an hour,.nothing, I.switched it off and on. Now it just has the Toshiba logo with a black background at the bottom it says press f2 for setup and f12 for something else I forgot cos it's on.the shop. Hope this helps, sorry it's long
what you need to do is open up the back like I said before, take out the hard drive. and try to boot it after you have removed the hard drive. If it comes to the screen saying no boot device found then good. While you have the back off, Look for the CMOS battery, remove it, remove the actual battery, and make sure the laptop has no power. Now hold the power btton on the laptop for 15 seconds then reinsert the CMOS battery and put everything back to normal and boot up your computer.
When I switch on it goes to black Toshiba screen per above. I don't know but the I.took it to said they'd replaced all components including and it.doesn't work so has to be motherboard. I may have let it overheat. Any fixing that?