Program using pagefile instead of ram


May 28, 2014
When I use GTA V it seems to put my pagefile usage up alot (to the point of crashing itself) without utilising a large amount of the available ram.

I have 8gb of ram clocked at 1600 mhz, my computer on idle uses roughly 3gb, with gta it uses about 6-7gb
pagefile usage on idle is about 3gb out of 10gb (total goes up to 11 while using gta) and while playing gta it goes up to 11 then crashes.

I'm buying an extra 8gb of ram tomorrow regardless but why is it doing this? I'm assuming that it's 64 bit

Another partly related question, when upgrading resolution and graphics settings does more ram get used? I know more vram gets used on the card but I remember reading people have found that, I'm going from 1080p to 1440p this week so will be good to know!

windows 8.1, 64 bit, and yeah it is, haven't had this problem with anything else

Ah, I have a Samsung ssd too, I'll give it a go and see what happens, is the setting for the ssd on the same menu as allocating pagefile usage?

ok I'll have a look around, I think I might have found another fix actually, I thought I had a fixed pagefile limit but turns out it was dynamic with windows setting the size, I set it to a fixed amount and haven't had any crashes so far