brandonclone1 :
Legos are for rich kids now.
They have quite a few sets, ranging from sets meant for kids, collectors sets, as well as high tech sets.
The Speed Champions, City, Ninjago, Friends, etc. sets are generally meant for kids and usually range from $20 on up; unless you get the little $5 kits in a bag.
Mindstorms, which are pricey, are meant for high school to early college. We used a Mindstorms kit in my entry engineering course in College.
The $300+ kits are collector kits, and are not designed specifically with kids in mind. I have a couple of those kits and have no intention of taking them apart after they're built due to how complex and time consuming they are.
There are of course exceptions in the lines, like Ninjago City, but it isn't the general. You also won't see a kit like that at a Walmart.
The brand may say Lego, but they are not just one specific market. It's like any auto company. Most make a compact, a truck, a SUV, and a luxury line. Just because luxury lines can approach $100k, it doesn't mean the compact lines are the same price; or the same market.
If price is that much of a concern, consider the Chinese knockoff brands. Just don't expect the quality to be the same.