Protected tracks won't play on WMP 11

David - J

Dec 13, 2011
Suddenly all 350 'protected' tracks on my media Player 11 stopped playing, even tho' they all played okay until just recently. Tried to burn one to a cd and message read: 'W.M.P not installed properly. Reinstall Player.'
Those tracks 'not protected' all play okay. Should I reinstall or is there an alternative course of action? And what would be the cause of the sudden change?. help please. Thanks

Most likely a system file got corrupted. Try a Windows System restore to a date when it worked, since it happened recently.

Also, if you have a Windows Disk, run sfc /scannow from command prompt, or do a repair-install. - Good Luck !

Thank you for your prompt reply. I tried system restore and it didn't work, and I don't know where my Windows disc is, so I don't think I have any alternative other than reinstore. I've since heard that a Microsoft wmp update may have corrupted it. Not sure about that. Appreciate your help anyway.

Thanks for your reply. That Microsoft support info is very useful, first time I've seen anything in writing relating to DRM issues. I shall copy it for reference. As I said to ksiemb, I think a WMP update may have corrupted it but as you have suggested, I suppose I have no alternative other than to reinstall it. I'll give it a go.
Additional note; Tried to reinstall but I stopped. The download from Microsoft for XP WMP 11 is version 951929WMP dated 22nd June 2010. There have been 160 updates since then on my existing XP WMP 11. If I download the 22nd June version what happens to all the updates since then? Would they be included or excluded? If excluded could I add them all later? Can you help?