Protecting monitor from nerd rage

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Aug 11, 2013
Hey guys, I'm a bit embaressed about the whole situation, but yes: I smashed my monitor during a rather heated game of counter strike (only paid €20 for it, but still). To prevent this from happening to the next one I buy (which will probably be a bit more expensive), I wanted to install some sort of protection in front of the screen.

I was thinking about a pane of bullet-proof glass and attaching it with double-sided sticky pads in each corner, and, even though my pc is in the basement with just a single window that doesn't receive direct sunlight, applying an ar-coating to remove any glare. However, I was worried about loss of image quality. Are there any alternatives that I could try (except from anger management classes)?

Yours truely,


well, you can just get an actual hobby that makes you spend time outside, or maybe get a girlfriend. evidently those are great at soaking up your time and energy.

or you could realize there's WAY more to life than playing CS, and you get made fun of for playing CS so damned seriously - ESPECIALLY if you EVER even think of making a comment on a real firearm on YouTube or if you go to an actual range where real people use real firearms.
Uh, buddy, I might take some interest in those anger management classes. Joking aside, you really should not be smashing anything while gaming, the worst I have ever done is tossed a controller onto a padded surface, or slap my knee while quietly uttering curses at my opponents. Bulletproof glass might help if you are really worried about punching your stuff again, but is it worth it? Just take a break from CS, have a deep breath, walk around and get out of that dark basement, do SOMETHING to control yourself, and save your time and money!

As it so happens I probably know more about firearms than you. Also, don't take me for some dipshit 28-year old basement dweller living on his parent's expenses. I don't play cs a lot, I have lots of hobbies and I'm an avid runner and cyclist. Come back when you have some actual advice to share.

i doubt most of what you say, because if it was true you'd not succumb to rage against fake foes in a game. A GAME. and I'd not put you at 28. more like 15.

actual advice? chill the F out. you have rage issues in games and in real life, from the sounds of it. I hope you don't live in "Stand Your Ground" Florida, cuz innocent folks will die because of you.

you're obviously NOT a well-balanced individual if you're punching a monitor and then contemplating using bullet-proof glass. that shows you have unchecked problems and this wasn't a one-of instance.
Protecting your monitor... That's a bit radical, don't you think.
I'm not aware of the price of bulletproof glass, but it's probably more than a couple monitors.
And even if you are able to get some custom-made piece of bulletproof glass, attaching it to your screen won't be an easy task.
And, as you said, the quality will most likely decrease. (Reflections and such, since the glass is not designed for this).
And numerous other problems arise.
What you could do is buy a bigger monitor, and put it further away, so you can't hit it without standing up and walking (well I suppose that would be some kind of rage-burst spring) towards it.
If you can't control yourself within that timespan, I'm sorry, but then you probably deserve a broken monitor.
You can invest in a shocker, so that every time you get angry you shock yourself, but I wouldn't know about the adverse health effects of this as I would imagine you have to tune the shocker to the maximum to be able to quench your anger
I don't think there's anything that's designed to protect a monitor from being punched, yet, still makes the monitor visible.

The best protection would be taping the receipt, with the total price highlighted, to the side of the monitor.

Do not be dismissive of what's been said about anger management. Maybe you don't want to face it, but if you're smashing potentially expensive equipment (and new monitors are expensive) because of a heated session of playing a video game, then you really have issues you need to work on.

Or sit further away from the screen. Outside of fist range. But then won't you wind up asking us about how to prevent yourself from smashing a controller or a keyboard?
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