Protein Folding: Your Chance To Help (and Whup AnandTech) Starting Dec 1

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Purch owns both companies; Purch does not own the people who make up the communities, and they are the ones competing. They've always had a bit of a rivalry between them, and the members still largely dislike each other, so why would it not be competitive?

Besides, we're all doing this for a good cause, and it's not like we hide the fact that Purch is behind both sites. There's no need to rain on the parade. Get excited and join in, or let the rest of us have our fun :)
I havent folded in a while. Im sure the setup has changed a bit, hopefully for the better. Do you still choose a GPU/CPU app or can you do both? I have two rigs and 3 GPUS that need to stretch their legs, lol. I'll hop over and investigate the setup options now. =)
Well, since i always have toms and anandtech tabs open next to each other all of the time, and alot of spare machines. I guess ill join both teams, and cheer for whoever wins, which is really everyone i guess?
Ill have to figure out what is wrong with my FAH install. CPU folding no longer runs, GPU folding works well but gets my room way too hot (290x lol). I have no problem running my 4790k all night and while im away from the house. Keeps the room at an acceptable temperature during Michigan winter nights.
December 1 at 3pm Eastern. It will end on December 7, at 3pm Eastern.
This is a good time of year for it, actually. I will try joining with my 980 Ti, and see how it goes.

Phone is better than nothing, but a PC would be much better than phone.

I don't dislike anandtech or their community. That sounds like unnecessary tribalism.

The main reason I stopped reading AnandTech was that their DailyTech feed had sponsored bloggers, some of whom were blogging about politically sensitive, non-computer related subjects. I felt like they were trading on AnandTech's reputation and leveraging its platform to support a political agenda I disagreed with. I did contact Kubicki and Anand about it. To his credit, they actually replied. This was many years ago, so maybe the situation has changed.
I don't dislike anandtech or their community. That sounds like unnecessary tribalism.

You're not wrong, but longtime members of both communities do have a habit of viewing the other with some measure of disdain. While this of course doesn't apply to everybody, having worked behind the scenes in both communities, I can attest to the existence of a "We're better than them" attitude—and this event is a fun way to settle that little debate 😉
Just signed up and did a test run, the computer sounds like a jet plane.
Haven't done SETI or BOINC runs for many many years but am excited for this.
Hopefully they'll give a reminder in the news section when the big push starts! 🙂

I search Tom's Hardware on the thing and that's what came up. Thanks for letting me know!

CPU folding is not really supported for anything less than those 12+ core monster CPU's and even then I think they dropped the bonus PPD they used to get. Much better to stick to GPU folding IMHO.
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