PS3 to Computer Monitory + Speakers


Jan 14, 2012
Hi guys!

I have just purchased my third monitor and I want to set it up for my PS3 and for my computer.

This monitor is: or something similar.

I will be using one of the 2 x HDMI to go into my computer.

I was hoping that I could put the other HDMI port from my monitor to my PS3.

The problem I am having is that I want to get the sound of the PS3 to also be on speakers that my computer uses. I do not care to much about the monitor speakers I just want the HD quality video.

The speakers that I have is:

My computer has the Digital Output port!

Is it possible for me to buy a digital output cable and connect my PS3 and my Computer and allow it to have sound via my speakers?

Any suggestions as to how to get my PS3 to have sound on my speakers and HDMI at the same time?
depending on if your computer will accept a connection in on the Digital output port or not.

If it does its a really easy thing to do, just go to your main menu on the ps3 and under audio or sound settings (can't remember off the top of my head) select multiple out put.

I checked but unfortunately i figured out that my S/PDIF digital output port is only an out port and not an in one. 🙁 Thanks for the advice though 🙁 Any other suggestions?