Hi, I think this is the right place to post this but if it isn't I'll be happy to move it.
I'm having some trouble connecting my PS4 controller to my PC via USB and I feel like I've tried every solution I can find.
The weird part is it was working just fine until I reconnected it to my PS4 and then when I tried to conenct it back to my PC it wont be recognised. Looking at devices and printers in the control panel doesnt list anything, not even a generic "usb-gamepad".
I've tried:
I'm having some trouble connecting my PS4 controller to my PC via USB and I feel like I've tried every solution I can find.
The weird part is it was working just fine until I reconnected it to my PS4 and then when I tried to conenct it back to my PC it wont be recognised. Looking at devices and printers in the control panel doesnt list anything, not even a generic "usb-gamepad".
I've tried:
Pressing and holding the reset button near the trigger
Installing DS4Windows
Uninstalling it from my PS4
Starting Steam in big picture mode