Yeah. I saw the Chineses pr0n. And the newest Facebook post seems to be from two years ago. This company probably burned down a couple dozen houses and decided to pull the plug before everyone at corporate went to prison.
Weird. It shows me a
Happy valentine's day post from Feb 13, oh nothing like getting your valentine a cheap RGB keyboard... then another one from Feb 15 about speakers. I don't have an account so maybe I'm getting a different feed than you idk.
Companies like that are popular in south america as well, there are no regulations that prevent you from selling a 200W PSU that says "700W" and nobody cares enough to sue them, even if someone did the company could simply say the user misread the label and that 700W is actually the model number and get away with it.
It's about selling the worst possible products at the lowest prices to catch unaware people, and boy they do that a lot.
I've dissected similar units and they're as barebones as possible, not even a fuse as a protection so power will keep going until it catches fire and the thin as a hair AC input wires short and pop a mains fuse.
Same goes for all kind of appliances, people use them a few times, they break and end up at the garbage bin, sellers offer no warranty at all so it's not like one can go and complain or ask for a replacement.
They don't go out of business, the lack of regulations allows them to keep operating and flooding the third world markets with trash.
As for the OP, hope he can get something better.