Psu noise with 290x


Aug 10, 2015
Problems relating to my new build with the psu

I have just finished a new build. Everything working great so I buy a 290x to finish the job. I install the card and firstly the sound is crappy. I do a cinebench test it comes up at 106fps I believe. To sort the sounds I had to remove the drivers and start again. So now the sound works however my psu is making an odd clicking noise when ever i use the card, even for as little as a video. I took another cinebench and it was down at 12fps then after a restart 60.

The click is directly reltated to load because as soon as I stop the media or game the noise stops.
I have taken the machine apart and powered it up to hear the noise. It's definitely the psu and not the fan.

Google says that a 650w psu with the 290x should be fine. Can anyone spread some light. I don't want to buy a new psu just to find the same issue.
What brand is the PSU? Could well just be a faulty fan, or something caught in the fan.

What exactly are you asking? If the PSU is making noise then there is little to nothing you can do about it, aside from replacing the fan if you feel like voiding the warranty.

Hey thanks for the comment. It's a corsair 650w I can't remember the model off hand. It also definitely not the fan. However that is the exact noise to describe what you can hear. It's completely related to the graphics, if I pause media then it stops, if I then resume it starts. The fan on the psu is running at a constant rate this whole time. I think it is to do with the power draw to the 290x

My question is.... Do I need a more powerful psu.? (Google says mine should be fine)

**update** I just spoke with my father who is an electronics engineer and he said that it sounds like it's going into current limit... Thoughts? Comments?
Hmm that's interesting. Thanks for posting the video.

It is strange because simply displaying a video doesn't really use that much GPU power, and it is weird that the PSU would be drawing any more power in that time.

You're 100% certain its the PSU - not a GPU fan?

Yeah, the gpu is water called with a constant sped fan. The sound is coming from the psu and I agree surely not much draw. I have ordered an 850w, should be here tomorrow. I'll let you know if it solves it.
Good news! So do you think that was the reason.

Along with the symptoms described the audio coming from the hdmi on the gpu is now fuzzy again. You believe this is all lack of power related?

Oh man. I hope that I didn't waste money. I highly doubt it's driver related. However I am on windows 10 so perhaps there are some teething issues?
The pc was a new build other than the psu. I finished it then got the 290x after. When I installed the 290x the sound was dodger then it was fine for about a day with this clicking. Then it went back to dodger sound.

Before the 290x I had perfect sound from the internal graphics with hdmi. I'm now using the hdmi from the 290x and its all distorted.

Yeah I have dual monitors. One is my TV which I use for netflicks and movies and the other just a Samsung LED monitor with Dvi. The chap I got the card from said that the card was working perfectly for him. (He would though right).

The new psu just arrived so I'll give it a whurl and see if I can find any other issues.
Right... Update

So I installed the new psu. Noise is now gone. Yay. However graphics card worse than ever. Sound is bad and cinebench is terrible. I reinstall all drivers. It gets a little better and scores 70 on the next bench test. I launch the sims 4... It's ok. I run another test and it's no on 1.2... Woah! Bad. And the sound is still rubbish..

Last resort. I go to the office and steel my work PC. I3 h87 mobo 4gb ddr3.... It's pretty standard. I stick I. The 290x and it works right away. (After drivers). No distorted sound, cinebench constantly over 100. I even benchmark while streaming two hd YouTube videos and get 80.

The mother board or something seems the problem. Does anyone know what I need to do next?!?!

Get a new mobo, it's brand new.

No, I used the corsair again as the work one was crap. It made the clicking noises again but all seemed to work. The new psu should be sweet as a nut. I just need to figure out why the z97 is having issues. I can't find any documented cases of this online. As we have ruled out gpu and psu what else can it be? Only mobo?

I havent as i didnt think this was necessary being a new build. I have got a program that checks all the drivers, would that pick up the motherboard BIOS?