[SOLVED] PSU not working Please help

May 24, 2020
Hi, So I got a RM 750x and the other day I plugged into the power socket but the fans are not spinning. I haven't got my motherboard yet. Should I return it thank you
Thanks for replying. But I tried to plug to my case fans which are connected to a controller and are powered through the sata cable but they won't turn on why is that if you don't mind me asking

Because you don't have the motherboard.

The 24-pin cable has one wire called "POWER ON". When the motherboard holds this signal to ground, the PSU turns on. You can't take a power supply and just plug it into the wall and expect it to turn on just because you flip the switch on the back. That's not how power supplies work.

You can, however, "trick" the PSU into thinking it's plugged into a motherboard by jumpering this POWER ON pin with one of the ground wires: https://bit-tech.net/guides/modding/how-to-jump-a-psu/1/
Thanks for replying. But I tried to plug to my case fans which are connected to a controller and are powered through the sata cable but they won't turn on why is that if you don't mind me asking
Thanks for replying. But I tried to plug to my case fans which are connected to a controller and are powered through the sata cable but they won't turn on why is that if you don't mind me asking

Because you don't have the motherboard.

The 24-pin cable has one wire called "POWER ON". When the motherboard holds this signal to ground, the PSU turns on. You can't take a power supply and just plug it into the wall and expect it to turn on just because you flip the switch on the back. That's not how power supplies work.

You can, however, "trick" the PSU into thinking it's plugged into a motherboard by jumpering this POWER ON pin with one of the ground wires: https://bit-tech.net/guides/modding/how-to-jump-a-psu/1/