Question PSU power cable connector question


Jan 30, 2022
Hello, I was cleaning my PC a bit and noticed that one of PCIe power cable connectors from PSU is touching the surface of PC case, I pointed it with red arrow on the photo, also added a pic of cable so you can see which part is doing that.

And I am wondering now if it is okay to keep connector in close contact with surface like that or not. Or connectors are built that way so you can leave them lying around in case and nothing wil ever happen?


Jan 30, 2022
You can use some pieces of electrical tapes to securely close the connector.

I do that on all unused Molex connectors as they are more exposed than your PCI-E connector, but you can do the same.
What if I am sure the metal part of connector is not gonna touch the case surface, just be close to it, while the direct contact will be done with plastic part?


Jan 30, 2022
The metal part won't touche the case, but if you don't tie it securely it could slip out and touch some exposed pins on the motherboard.
It is in position now that the only thing it can touch is that case part surface, there is only empty space under it so it cannot touch any pins on mobo if I do not move it around ofc. And what do you mean telling metal part can slip out? Like metal connector itself can fall out of it's small plastic box casing? It's first time I hear about that.
It is in position now that the only thing it can touch is that case part surface, there is only empty space under it so it cannot touch any pins on mobo if I do not move it around ofc. And what do you mean telling metal part can slip out? Like metal connector itself can fall out of it's small plastic box casing? It's first time I hear about that.

I mean the cable can fall and the connector's metal part could hit a jumper pin on the motherboard.


Jan 30, 2022
I mean the cable can fall and the connector's metal part could hit a jumper pin on the motherboard.
Ah, no. I meant if some kind of short-out can happen if metal conductive part of connector which is recessed in plastic frame is not even in direct contact with case part and just placed near it.