At least in my case most of my small devices have linear power bricks and of course I am referring to low capacity ones. Also for low watts you don't need a large transformer and huge caps. On the other hand even for low capacity SMPS you still need filtering stages and these ones contain both caps and inductors (and these increase cost of course). Now there are cases that some cheapo low capacity SMPS don't have the required filters and in this case things go south (e.g. in a 4$ power brick).
In such low wattage a difference 20-25% in efficiency isn't crucial however the EMI and ripple noise is and linear regulators are much much better than switching ones in this case. I still remember a switching power brick that managed to pass noise even through my AC source and I had to shut it down before I take any measurements.
In such low wattage a difference 20-25% in efficiency isn't crucial however the EMI and ripple noise is and linear regulators are much much better than switching ones in this case. I still remember a switching power brick that managed to pass noise even through my AC source and I had to shut it down before I take any measurements.