Hi there,
As author of the German article I would like to point out something.
[citation][nom]Proximon[/nom]Without voltage ripple and heat tests you can't properly evaluate a power supply.[/citation]
As in the past we're looking all the time at the ripple voltages. They're noted only if they are out of the spec. A heat test is a very difficult thing, especially if it should have reproducible results.
[citation][nom]sandmanwn[/nom]Been in the industry for a while and I've never seen or heard of Dragon Force psu's. Do they manufacture themselves or re brand another tier 1 manufacturers product? [/citation]
They’re branding, but most of the companys do that, it’s nothing special.
[citation][nom]Jobo_696[/nom]Hi,I have a question, how come on your PSU reviews, why haven't you tested or made reviews on probably, what are the best PSU's in the market....PC Power & Cooling...???[/citation]
It follows in part 2 of the review.
Best regards,