Pubg not using 100% of 1080ti, causing low fps


Nov 10, 2017
My rig is new, 1080ti, i7 7770k, playing at 1440p.

During games the gpu drops down to 60% sometimes 50% usage causing serious fps drops. I know it should be running at 100% almost all the time.

I have a friend with the same rig and monitor and he is pretty much always running around 144 fps, my setting are on low for most of them. Theres nothing wrong with my gpu either, heres a benchmark

Anyone else had this issue?
Ok total cpu usage doesn’t tell you much, you need to monitor all cores/threads, are any hitting 100% when gpu usage drops?

Is the cpu throttling, by this I mean when the gpu usage drops do you see the cpu speed (GHz) reduce at the same time?

Do you and your friend have the same amount of RAM and do you both have PUBG installed on a SSD or HDD. From what I have read PUBG constantly accesses the HDD/SSD and slower drives (HDD) can impact performance a fair bit.
Since your GPU isn't 100% utilised, and the FPS isn't locked by the game itself, there must be some sort of GPU bottleneck. A CPU bottleneck seems unlikely as your CPU should be able to handle this load.
Monitor your components in an attempt to identify the bottleneck, using a program like MSI Afterburner while playing PUBG.

Did you, by any chance, OC your GPU? Maybe the power limit (or otherwise faulty OC) is causing your GPU to underperform.
What's going on in the background? On the link you provided, there's a warning for high background usage(40% cpu).
Did you run the benchmark while the game was in the background? If that wasn't the case, then this is likely the issue. If you have programs eating up cpu resources in the background while you play, obviously this will affect game performance. Check task manager and close the really hungry ones.

Nah I havent OCd anything, Ive been monitoring it and it sits around 60%/70% during the game so yeah i think it is some kind of GPU bottleneck

Whats your RAM and CPU usage?

Yeah that was just something running in the background while i was benchmarking, I dont play with anything else running

Both around 45% and temps are fine. When my gpu does use 90% or more i hit 144fps easy, but then it will randomly go down to 50% usage and fps goes down with it.

Could it be some kind of power usage thing?

What is your PSU? Also check you're not running any scaling software or temperature curves that limit your GPU. Or something like having Vsync enabled.

Its EVGA 650W 80Plus. IDK if my motherboard could have anything to do with it ASUS PRIME H270M-PLUS (apparently its not the best). I havent installed anything that would do that to my temps. I did have vsync enabled just turned it off and no difference.

Ive done a few benchmarks and gpu, cpu, ram all preform as exspected

Makes no sense, my friend has the same rig running at 1440p and is hitting 144fps all the time.

Why have you got a K processor in a H board?

Anyway check all of Nvidias software you might have put a framecap on your system or even set the monitor as a low refresh display.
Ok total cpu usage doesn’t tell you much, you need to monitor all cores/threads, are any hitting 100% when gpu usage drops?

Is the cpu throttling, by this I mean when the gpu usage drops do you see the cpu speed (GHz) reduce at the same time?

Do you and your friend have the same amount of RAM and do you both have PUBG installed on a SSD or HDD. From what I have read PUBG constantly accesses the HDD/SSD and slower drives (HDD) can impact performance a fair bit.

Hello, I am having similar issues as mentioned in this thread, except I'm playing on Very Low Settings, at 1080p not even 1440p, I haven't checked yet, but what if the above is true (what if one core is hitting 100% and the GPU % drops), what does this mean? What do I have to do to fix