Public server denied

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Joao Diogo

Apr 26, 2017
I have a situation. In the village where my grandma lives. there is a públic server of internet, Like for every one, they have a big antena and every one gets free internet. But now for a few months now a lot of people bought an antena to their house and they get all the internet. Even if I get right next to the principal antena I max the signal of the network but no internet. This is frustrating because my other grandparents are from there too, wich means we pay a lot of taxes like everyone there. Bit know I dont havê internet, and I go there like 5 days a month and sometimes I have really importante work to do and no internet. Is there a way to by conecting to the network I could shut them all down for an hour or someting por just deni acess?
Just so we are 100% clear, what you are specifically asking is illegal.

The correct route that you need to go down is to complain to the service providers, they might have to consider bandwidth limitations for individual IP addresses, or traffic shaping, QoS, prioritisation etc.
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