Question Random BSOD after installing two new sticks of RAM ?


Jul 27, 2022
That is a common issue. You can't just stick random memory sticks in your machine like you could in the old days. You really should always buy a kit of 4 sticks in one package. Buying even 2 identical kits of 2 sticks of memory may not work. Every memory stick is a bit different and the factory tests and groups them so they work together.

It is even more complex because the speed memory will work at with 2 sticks is different than what it will work at with 4.

You can spend hours reading about the types of memory and the combinations that work with certain cpu and motherboards.

So now that you have already paid money you are going to have to learn even more. You are going to have to go into the bios and manually set the tuning until you get the memory to run stable.

Start with a memory testing program called memtest86+. It will run under windows but for the best tests you are better off putting it on a USB memory stick and booting it.

This will stress test the memory. If it can pass all the tests then any crashes in the OS are likely something other than memory. If it fails some test then you change the memory settings. I pretty much just buy my memory and use XMP type of overclock I do no long mess with any separate settings. I can not tell you what exactly you would change in the memory settings if it fails a particular test. Generally increasing the voltage a tiny bit on the memory is the first things people try. I am sure there are people who know much more about memory tuning but you need to learn the basics like where in your bios you even change this stuff for someone to help you in detail.
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