Putting together PC from a shitty one


Jul 14, 2013
Hi, I want to put my own pc from separate components. The main custom components I want to put are:
1) Intel Core I7-3770 3.4 GHz Quad-Core
2) NVIDIA GeForce GTX650 2GB GDDR5
3) Samsung 840 Series MZ-7TD500 500 GB (SSD)
4) 2x DDR3 1333MHz PC3 10600 DESKTOP RAM 1333

(I copied titles from ebay, I don't know what these mean)

Now, just about everything else, I DON'T CARE.

So, I want to ask what kind of shittiest PC I can buy to put all of these components in so everything would work? What is the shittiest motherboard in a rig I can use (possibly, by a year)?

If I had to install motherboard by myself, I may try it but I've never done it. And besides, if I had to put everything together from scratch that's just too much work for me. I'd rather buy shitty PC and switch components instead.
Ok, since you don't care about anything, go to youtube, and search "800 dollar gaming pc" or whatever your budget is, and you'll find a lot of rigs. If not, Google the same thing and you'll find hundreds of good PC's.