PWM fan settings confusion

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Sep 19, 2012
Here's the issue: My fan doesn't seem to want to be adjusted. Or my mobo is rejecting the fan. I'm not sure.

Mobo: ECS GF8200-A
Bios: AMIBios (unsure which version, I forget)
Fan: Some german thing, max 15k RPM 2.6A @ 12V

At one point I had the thing working close to properly, but had psu issues, so I just disconnected it. I run 3 BIG fans. 2 120mm 10k RPM and 1 92mm 15k RPM, all over 2A each. The 120s run off straight power, no pwm adjustment (the wire is there, just not connected). The 92mm is by far the loudest one of all. It's the rear exhaust for the cpu, so I would like it adjustable by cpu temp.

The problem is, no matter what settings I try, the only adjustment I can seem to procure from this thing is from 1k rpm, to 3500 rpm. I can't seem to get it any higher with the smart fan settings

The settings are as follows:

TargetTemp (currently @ 36)
Tolerance (currently @ 1)
Start value (from 0 to 255)
Stop value (from 0 to 255)
StopTime value (from 0 to 255)

I have tried all combinations that I can think of, and nothing seems to make this thing jump higher than 3.5k rpm. Any Ideas?
I'm not familiar with that MB, it seems to be some no name thing. But top quality, name brand motherboards typically have in the neighborhood of 1a output on the fan headers; your fan is looking for over 2.5 times that.
Look for reviews for this board. Rated @ 95w all the reviews I found said they tested it w my old CPU a phenom 9850, oc'd around 140w totally stable on air. Not a cheapy no name, for sure. I AM NOT powering the fan from the board. Power comes from a outside totally (theoretically) electrically isolated unit. Only speed adjustment comes off the mobo header.

The (usually) blue wire for PWM should only be a low power signal to switch the FET inside the fans circuitry to open the *relay* (transistor) to power the coils. The fan should not be drawing any power whatsoever off of that pin, correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm only looking for definitions for the bios settings, not a lecture on electrical theory, or what you think isn't smart to do with my hardware. No offense intended to you, but I've been getting a lot of ppl thinking they know what they are talking about lately telling me to stop doing my own thing and conform. I'm good, thx. lol

I can find information all over for definitions and functions for *delta*T (change in temperature over time, physics, duh) and "fan low start" and "fan low stop" and "fan high start", things of that nature. But I cannot for the life of me figure out what these mean on my board.

The ECS manual is no help, it gives perfect detailed descriptions for EVERY other option in bios, just not And the website is not much more help than that. Just want this thing to be quiet whenever its not needed, and cool the case off when it is.

No worries, no offense was taken. Nor was I trying to tell you how to run your setup as tbh it makes no difference to me. All of MY fans work correctly 😉

Anyways, since you're obviously the expert, I won't address your technical issue any further. I'll just leave you with an observation; if it isn't working, maybe, just maybe, you may want to consider that perhaps you don't have everything figured out after all and aren't, " I'm good, thx. lol". Just something to think about is all.

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