Q: Medusa Zipper Flipper wiring



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Is it correct that the zipper flippers seem to be wired differently
than regular flippers in that the lower flipper has an EOS that opens
to turn off the hi power, and one EOS that closes (to fire the top
flippers, i.e. the zippers). The zipper flips themselves also have 2
switches on each side, but they are each normally closed and both open
when the flipper fires. I haven't followed the wiring to see what the
other circuit is that's being opened.... I've never seen a flipper
wired this way, and there appear to be 2 high power switches in that
stack as well. Is this correct??
Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)

the lower flippers are like you describe, but you've seen dual upper
EOS's? That seems odd, most upper flipper bally's I've worked on have
one EOS for the uppers. I'll have to trace out the wires and circuits
when I get home to check this out.
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No, actually I haven't seen dual upper EOS's, I was just referring to
the lower flippers switch stack. Always saw a single EOS on the

seymour-shabow@excite.com wrote:
> the lower flippers are like you describe, but you've seen dual upper
> EOS's? That seems odd, most upper flipper bally's I've worked on have
> one EOS for the uppers. I'll have to trace out the wires and circuits
> when I get home to check this out.
Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)

I think the extra EOS's are for the bulbs under the red playfield
inserts. The turn the bulbs under the flippers on and off.

Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)

Ah! Thanks Tim. Since I didn't have the right flippers until
recently, didn't notice what they did. Kind of a Kludge wiring,
though. I'm thinking of replacing the whole thing with some kind of
low voltage switch going to a transistor circuit - kind of like a mini
fliptronics system.
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Easy to do. I wasn't able to hold onto my Medusa long enough to get
into upgrade mode. Still like the game. Bally sure put out some nice
stuff in 80-81.

Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)

Medusa's great, I got one from classicarcades last year that I think he
just turned around after buying (i KNOW jeff wouldn't spray wd40 into
all the mechs to "fix" it!) I played it as a sad sad weak flippered
game for a while but got fed up the other day, all the mechs are now
rebuilt, playfield waxed, got about 1/4 of the posts back on, mechs
rebuilt, targets replaced, bulbs and lenses cleaned (replaced all the
bulbs a lot of em were black on top) (there's over 140 555's in
Medusa!!), Sheild of the Gods rebuilt, zipper flips rebuilt (other than
the dual EOS).

Picked up some parts at RS this afternoon to see if my circuit theory
is wrong or not. (Mainly needed the IC pad circuit board, going to use
a 7400 and some TIP102's to do this - basically close the low voltage
EOS, goes to 2 of the NAND gates, turns off the transistor pair (2n4401
driving a TIP102 darlington), killing the flipper high voltage and
turning off the bulbs.... the bulbs are probably GI though so I'll
either switch it and run it off the Switched power or rectify it just
for those 4 bulbs (probably not!)

Will post results here if it works.