Q8400 OC Settings HELP


Dec 26, 2012
CPU: q8400 @2.66 Ghz
Motherboard: P5G43T-M PRO
CPU Voltage: ?
CPU Bus Speed/Multiplier: ?
Clock Speed: 2.66Ghz
RAM: 8GB (4x2) DDR 3 (Not sure what model I am not at home)
Cooling: Hyper 212 EVO
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate

Hey all! This is roughly my second post so I am fairly new to the forums. :hello:

I apologize for the lack of information that I have but I am new to OC'ing. My Uncle has been teaching me these thing's but I do not have a grasp of it.

Yesterday we installed the 212 EVO and everything seem'd fine. We booted up and I had it previously OC'd to 2.8Ghz. During the initial startup, it has stated that there was a fan error and it did not start up. We looked in the chassis and the 212 was working and also my back fan was working so I do not know why it would say that. We tweaked around in the BIOS for a while but being that he had to go to work the next day and it was already 10, he left.

The main point for making this thread is to find help in understanding Overclocking. I have read this http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/272214-29-wolfram-beginner-guide-overclocking
I am still confused on thing's.
What I really want to know is what can I change in order to achieve 3.6 Ghz? Thank you and I apologize for the lack of knowledge.
If the CPU fan header on the mobo isn't populated, you'll get a fan error. Set CPU fan to ignor to solve this problem, or plug into the 4 pin CPU fan header on the motherboard.

How high of an overclock are you trying to reach? That chip will be limited by the high stock fsb speed.

Thank you for your time. I am not getting a fan error anymore.
I am also home now, so right now here are my BIOS settings:
CPU Ratio Setting: 08.0
FSB: 350

The computer run's fine.

I am trying to achieve higher clocks but it always fails. Any tips? I cannot find anything online because a majority of people are using different motherboards than me and my bios is different.

Thank you for your time. I am not getting a fan error anymore.
I am also home now, so right now here are my BIOS settings:
CPU Ratio Setting: 08.0
FSB: 350

The computer run's fine.

I am trying to achieve higher clocks but it always fails. Any tips? I cannot find anything online because a majority of people are using different motherboards than me and my bios is different.
A bump up in NB voltage can help depending on settings and the motherboard you're using. Usually that comes in to play on high fsb values, high 300's and above 400. You nevr know it might help. Just watch temperatures as usual, make sure the northbridge doesnt run too hot. That can ad to stability issues as well.

Thank you, so on my BIOS, I would be changing the NB Over Voltage correct?
I don't know what default is anymore been a while on this type of board. That said I would move up in thousandths decimal to be safe. You never want to bump up a full .1

If memory serves correctly I recall people going as high as 1.4 for extreme overclocked. You shouldn't need anything that high plus you will prolly o reheat at that voltage without active cooling on the heatsink. I would say stay under or around 1.3 to be safe, but you might want to do a quick google on safe nb voltage

Do you have Skype? Maybe we can chat?
Forgot to add that you should make sure the ram is running at or under specs while testing. Not a bad idea to under clock the ram until the cpu is stable and where you like it. That way you take one variable out of the equation while you work on the overclock So maybe set your ram to the lowest frequency possible for now