QNAP vs windows 2016 essentials


Jun 30, 2013
which is better and why? I lean to qnap because small device to hold up to 8 HDDs but then i lean to win2016 due to secuirty . what does everyone think on this as some manufactures dont update NAS devices till hit by hacker or ransomware. thanks in advance

Last year this time I faced this exact question.
Whether to build up another house server (Server2016 and sufficient hardware), or a prebuilt NAS box.

After careful investigation, I went with a Qnap. TS-453A, to be specific.

It gets firmware and OS updates regularly. The last one was just a week ago.
It gets updates at least as often as a Windows box would.

Attacks? I get regular logon attempts from all over the world. All trying to access the default admin...
Windows server, as a platform, will have more people attempting to attack than the OS in the QNAP, just because there is more potential money in a successful Windows Server attack.
The "big three" QNAP, Synology, Thecus all update there OS several times per year. You should be able to see that just looking at the release notes.

The more general question is: what, besides file sharing, do you want this network device to do?

Last year this time I faced this exact question.
Whether to build up another house server (Server2016 and sufficient hardware), or a prebuilt NAS box.

After careful investigation, I went with a Qnap. TS-453A, to be specific.

It gets firmware and OS updates regularly. The last one was just a week ago.
It gets updates at least as often as a Windows box would.

Attacks? I get regular logon attempts from all over the world. All trying to access the default admin account.
Said account is both disabled, and the original password changed to something incomprehensible.

Attempted logon just yesterday, from Doesburg, Holland. Last week, Russia. 2 weeks before, China. Previous...Switzerland, Paris, Taipei, Finland, Slovenia, Ohio....

The newer NAS boxes are no longer just a box with drives in it...they are full Linux based systems, in a small box.

Either way would work. All up to your preferences and budget.
One killing factor is the price of Server2016 Essentials.
$399 - https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=1B4-003A-00063