Very over priced, the difference between any all all processor of the same family (E2000 E4xxx E6xxx) is the price and speed. All families are made to reach maximum speed at a safe temperature. Since some don't make it as fast as others they reduce the price and for the faster ones they jack the price up. I bet it cost $25 to make and manufacture each chip and shipping as well. Any-thing over 200% mark-up for profit is BULLSHIT. Circuit city never had over 200% mark-up and walmart has only 10-15% mark-up and it strives as a company.
Heres my math: Newegg prices and assuming it cost $25 to manufacture and ship
E1400 $50 Only $25 made on this chip, 100% mark-up very little but modest profit
E7500 $140 $115 made on this chip 460% mark-up, This should be the maximum profit allowed, ill explain below.
E8500 $190 $165 made, 660% mark up
E8600 $270 $245 made, 980% mark up 320% more markup than the E8500 for only 200 MHZ difference, that's stealing if you ask me.
All these chips are designed the same and for the same purpose, some are slightly flawed and cant perform the same, some exceed their expectations and slap $1000 price tag on it. Thats way to much mark-up for something They sell several millions per year (spent 15 minutes looking for exact number cant find it though). Walmart makes good money on 10-15% markup (Average). Intel and AMD probably have about the same costs (electric employee and running costs) as walmart (It has to be close to the same amount) but their mark-up is so much higher.
They should make 3 lines of product per core count, they dont simply cause the difference of 200 MHZ is $100. Which is stealing. They could lower the prices and reduce the bullshit of 15 products per core count (E2xxx E4xxx E6xxx E7xxx E8xxx), and have a modest profit instead of stealing from customers. But unfortunately that 200 MHZ is worth to much for them, and we all know companies wont give a free upgrade.