quad or 2 dual channel kit on a dual channel motherboard ?

yassine baat

Sep 13, 2013
Hi guys ! i'm building a new gaming desktop and i chosed the asus maximus VI (6) Extreme motherboard which supports a dual channel ram kit and i want to use 4 dimms so should i get tow corsair dominator dual channel kit http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Dominator-Platinum-Desktop-CMD16GX3M2A1866C9/dp/B007Z1CVIQ/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1379108982&sr=8-3&keywords=corsair+dominator or one corsair dominator quad channel kit http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-DOMINATOR-Platinum-2133MHz-CMD16GX3M4A2133C9/dp/B0091CL1CO/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1379108982&sr=8-11&keywords=corsair+dominator ?
which choice will give me more performance and stability ??
thanks in advance !
First off - it really doesn't matter what set you put in your mobo- DRAM doesn't differentiate between single, dual, tri or quad, big thing is to by one single package of DRAM, that way the sticks are tested to work together, never a good idea to mix packages. For your mobo if wanting 16GB best bet is 2x8GB - which is less stress on the MC (memory controller) and actually will run a hair faster, next is a set of 4x4GB sticks....for the higher end ROG mobos like yours I've found the GSkill Tridents ( F3-1866C8D-16GTX) to be exceptional, closely followed by the GSkill Snipers (F3-1866C9D-16GSR)
First off - it really doesn't matter what set you put in your mobo- DRAM doesn't differentiate between single, dual, tri or quad, big thing is to by one single package of DRAM, that way the sticks are tested to work together, never a good idea to mix packages. For your mobo if wanting 16GB best bet is 2x8GB - which is less stress on the MC (memory controller) and actually will run a hair faster, next is a set of 4x4GB sticks....for the higher end ROG mobos like yours I've found the GSkill Tridents ( F3-1866C8D-16GTX) to be exceptional, closely followed by the GSkill Snipers (F3-1866C9D-16GSR)
@Tradesman1 thanks man ! but i know that there is no difference between dual and quad channel it's just marketing but i want somthing recommended and stable and perform as it should be so in conclusion i should get 8X2 kit and in the future i can add another 8X2 kit and the GSkill Tridents will be better that the Corsair Dominator for the motherboard i am using

so is this right ???
I don't really recommend mixing set, even of the same exact model, it can be problematic, XMP is programmed by the individual package and number of sticks in a package, howeve if you do decide to add in the future, give me a shout, if another set won't play with the original, can normally get them to play with voltage and timing adjustments

thnaks a lot dude ! i'm going to get the quad channel ram kit Corsair DOMINATOR Platinum Series 16GB (4 x 4GB) 2133MHz http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-DOMINATOR-Platinum-2133MHz-CMD16GX3M4A2133C9/dp/B0091CL1CO/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1379108982&sr=8-11&keywords=corsair+dominator hope this will be ok with my maximus vi extreme motherboard !

do you think it will be faster and reliable to go with 2X8GB ? the problem i didn't find something at good price that muchs 2133HMZ and it's 2X8GB i found only 4X4GB
so ???
thanks in advance !