modern mobile devices are significantly faster than very old computers (eg the early ones that came with windows 2000 installed)
Why is it that on a faster device with faster storage and faster CPU (at least on paper for things like mflops) and faster RAM boot into an OS that is less functional, takes longer to boot, and uses more RAM at startup (hard drives from around the year 2000 did not run very fast)
I feel that if you really want a well optimized OS, then limit developers to modern devices but are underclocked to 150MHz, and limited to 64MB RAM and have the nand deliberately poorly optimized to reduce the IOPS and throughput to that of a hard drive from around year 1999.
If you limit the hardware then the developers will be forced to optimize the code to be lite on memory, CPU cycles, and IOPS.
In taking a programming class as an elective and talking to the professor, it seems their goal is to teach you how to make working code and not code that works well, so students leaving college today will be likely to make applications that are significantly larger and more resource hungry than they need to be. (they basically rely on modern systems having significantly more processing power in all aspects to throw running inefficient code in a speedy manner)