News Quantum Computing Algorithm Breakthrough Brings Practical Use Closer to Reality


May 28, 2011
“We're used to being disappointed with performance updates.”

Because everything is already so optimized... Quantum is fertile ground.

Deleted member 2731765

I think researches from RIKEN last year 2022, also provided a prototype for the first time of quantum error correction in silicon, which was I think made possible by implementing a three-qubit Toffoli-type quantum gate. They demonstrated full control of a three-qubit system. Regardless, it was not an entirely new concept though.

Not sure how is the progress going on now on this. For two qubits it was okay, but for error correction we actually need a three-qubit system.

But anyway, this new hybrid algorithm of quantum and classical methods sounds promising, and there seems to be lower computational cost to compile time-evolution operators as well.

There are still some challenges to overcome though:: I mean, for example improving the stability of the qubit, increasing the computational scalability, and also enhancing the error correction method to realize the full potential of quantum computing in atomic-level simulations/calculations.

Curious to know for this algorithm whether they are using either Python, or even Qiskit, Cirq, an/or Microsoft's Q# languages, or maybe some other ?


Sep 16, 2021
Curious to know for this algorithm whether they are using either Python, or even Qiskit, Cirq, an/or Microsoft's Q# languages, or maybe some other ?

Does it matter? Anything performance relevant is eventually going to be in a c library from which various other languages will leverage it.

Deleted member 2731765

Does it matter? Anything performance relevant is eventually going to be in a c library from which various other languages will leverage it.

You have a point, but I'm still in a learning process state, so yes I was just curious. It might help me in future projects/thesis as well.

Btw, in case anyone interested, here is the source link for that paper published recently. For more details:

The implementation of time-evolution operators on quantum circuits is important for quantum simulation. However, the standard method, Trotterization, requires a huge number of gates to achieve desirable accuracy. Here, we propose a local variational quantum compilation (LVQC) algorithm, which allows us to accurately and efficiently compile time-evolution operators on a large-scale quantum system by optimization with smaller-size quantum systems.