question about a electric heater near my computer


Feb 26, 2014
ok it's not big or hot enough to heat the temps in my computer to higher temps(I keep an eye on my comp temps), and I have it plugged in another outlet other than the one my PC is in. My question is when I take my hand and touch turn the heater off my music stops playing and windows media player pauses the song? wtf??

Anyway, TLDR; When I touch my heater, it causes my PC to do some weird shit.... I just bought this computer and built it a month ago, and really scared and hope I didn't mess anything up. Can someone explain to me what's happening? Did i potentially harm my new pc hardware? I thought at first it was my headphone plug in messing up and just realize it now that all this time it was the media player stopping. Sometimes I've had to restart my pc to make the sound come back. I'm pretty upset, and hoping I didn't mess anything up.

Sounds like your heater and PC are on the same circuit breaker. A lot of electric heaters can pull in 12-15 amps, and most household circuit breakers are 15 or 20 amps. If you have another outlet nearby that is on a different circuit, plug your heater in there and it should solve it. You can (and should) also protect your PC with a UPS.
hmm, Yeah I did that as soon as I realize it was messing with my PC. It didn't hurt anything did it? Why is it doing it when I'm touching the heater with my hand is causing this? They're in two different outlets, which is weird...ugh 🙁 hope everything is ok
Both outlets are on the same circuit breaker. You need to determine what circuits control what outlets, and use one that is on a different breaker. Do you know how to check?