Question about AMD Turbo Core


Aug 12, 2014
So i had something weird happen yesterday with World Of Warcraft that i thought i would bounce of the community.

Computer Specs:

MOBO: gigbyte 990fx ud5
CPU: AMD FX 8350
RAM: 16gb DDR3
GPU: R9 270x
SSD: 250gb EVO
COOLER: Hyper Evo 212

I usually play wow on high with some settings to good, cause certain settings i could care less for. I typically keep vsync on. I usually always run at 60fps world, 38-45 fps raids.

I decided to enabled "Core Performance Boost" in the bios which is the AMD Turbo Core and give that a shot with world of warcraft. The raid of 25 people gave me the same frame rates, and world was the same.

It wasn't until i did the world boss with 40+ people around that i was hitting frames of 4-10 fps with turbo enabled. After disabled turbo core and doing the same boss with the same amount of people, roughly, i was back to normal frames.

I thought the whole purpose of turbo core was to give you "performance" and boost clock speeds where they are needed, not bottleneck the crap out of my game under high demand?

Yes temperatures were fine, 38C core temps under full load.

Any ideas? Keep it enabled or disabled through the bios?

Great stuff in theory.. Crap most other times.

works a little better on Intel but not happening with the stock cooler.
Well if a game runs on 1 or 2 cores it should boost those cores.

Not really meant for games that will take advantage of your whole cpu.
Well i would imagine world of Warcraft would only be using 2-3? But even then why am i hitting 4 fps with it enabled and not disabled. Weird. I also did not install the AMD Chipset drivers from the CD given by the gigabyte mobo, i downloaded the latest gpu drivers from amd which looks to have the other drivers in it as well, correct me if i am wrong.

Maybe i should install both?
I guess that could be an issue lol. Thanks for the help by the way. I don't plan on overclocking seeing as how 4.0ghz is more than enough for the games i play. I was just wondering why i was seeing an issue with turbo boost enabled.
So after downloading the latest 990fx chipsets and the newest graphics drivers i did the same boss 3 times with 40+ people with TURBO ON and never ran into the same issue.

Frame's were good at that load. Never dipped below 35. Cheers!