question about anti fighter exotic tech



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Hello everybody,

my enemy surely use sandshields as my sandcasters has no effect (mostly) so
here is my question:

What is more useful? Energized Sandcasters or Anti Fighter Computer? (my
ships has enough PDs mostly (i'm solorian))

Energized Sandcasters costs 240k MCs + 70k each turn after
Anti Fighter Computer costs 450k MCs + 20k each turn after

My bank still have about 400k stored so i would need to wait 1-2 turns for
A-F-C! But those 70k for Energized each turn are hazardous!

I transfer 8100 Mcs each turn and get additional galactica taxes:
Tax money collected by central galactic bank : 78254 gc
My daily costs for ET are 25400 MCs

So plz give me a hint what to do!? Wait for A-F-C? If noone answers i think
i will wait as i could spare those 20.000 Mcs each turn much better than
those 70.000 Mcs each turn! And those Increase PD will perhaps also work
against ships and ord bases weapons? Dunno that! Never used any of those
expensive ET!

Thx in advance!

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ESC's are really effective compared to the AFC. If you can afford it
and are having big trouble against fighters go the ESC's. One medium
size ship with all SC's for instance in a fleet will really chew
through any fighters that are around. Of course if the enemy is using
small wings, you will need lots of TL in the PD, so unless the ship has
got a lot of ordance space, I would use PD defence with the AFC.

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Before all the fighter changes my tests showed that the ESC was the
better one.

The AFC increases the range of the MML and TL for the first shot. I
would expect that to help against LW fire as well, but only once. I
would say this is neglectable.
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Hmmm, pulsars have 12500 ord capacity, nexus have 20000 ord capacity ... And
no i haven't big trouble with fighters, but my enemy defend all his bases
with fighters build in own fighter plants ... some bases has more than 1000
t2 fighter (solorian fighter) (yeah its a fight between 2 solorians)

Thx anyway for your first answer, perhaps you'll answer my second additional
question also!?


"soxee" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> ESC's are really effective compared to the AFC. If you can afford it
> and are having big trouble against fighters go the ESC's. One medium
> size ship with all SC's for instance in a fleet will really chew
> through any fighters that are around. Of course if the enemy is using
> small wings, you will need lots of TL in the PD, so unless the ship has
> got a lot of ordance space, I would use PD defence with the AFC.
> Robert
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You know that a Home Guard Wing cannot be reater than 1000 ?. So if he has
10 000 T2 at his base you´ll yust see 1 T2 wing with 1000 fighters in VCR.


"Mydgard" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Hmmm, pulsars have 12500 ord capacity, nexus have 20000 ord capacity ...
> And no i haven't big trouble with fighters, but my enemy defend all his
> bases with fighters build in own fighter plants ... some bases has more
> than 1000 t2 fighter (solorian fighter) (yeah its a fight between 2
> solorians)
> Thx anyway for your first answer, perhaps you'll answer my second
> additional question also!?
> Mydgard
> "soxee" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>> ESC's are really effective compared to the AFC. If you can afford it
>> and are having big trouble against fighters go the ESC's. One medium
>> size ship with all SC's for instance in a fleet will really chew
>> through any fighters that are around. Of course if the enemy is using
>> small wings, you will need lots of TL in the PD, so unless the ship has
>> got a lot of ordance space, I would use PD defence with the AFC.
>> Robert
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You know that a Home Guard Wing cannot be reater than 1000 ?. So if he
10 000 T2 at his base you´ll yust see 1 T2 wing with 1000 fighters in

IS THIS RIGHT! You mean I have tens of thousands of fighters sitting in
my bases and they are useless? Before you ask, why they are sitting in
the bases it is because of resource points.

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If I was you I would use the ESC. Make a couple of your large ORD
capacity ships have only SC's for LW's and make them target only
fighters. This will remove the enemy fighters from the VCR very
rapidly. Also send all your ships in first wave on the same vecta.
Hopefully, the other player will send his ships in second wave, which
will give you time to take care of his fighters before taking on his
ships. I have never seen the sense in separating your fleet into two
waves, unless you have transports with it and even then they have much
better protection by staying in with the fleet.

Does this answer your question?


P.s. By the way, I have no idea how the new rules on SC's effect combat.
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Unfortunately, this is true (just simmed a scav base with 10k T1 against a
bot Golem --> only 1 wing of 1000 fighters)

I was so sure, there would be 10 wings of 1000 fighters each.

Anyone else thinking this is plain wrong?

Ralph Hoenig, Germany

"soxee" <> schrieb
You know that a Home Guard Wing cannot be reater than 1000 ?. So if he
10 000 T2 at his base you´ll yust see 1 T2 wing with 1000 fighters in

IS THIS RIGHT! You mean I have tens of thousands of fighters sitting in
my bases and they are useless? Before you ask, why they are sitting in
the bases it is because of resource points.

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Ralph Hoenig schrieb:
> Unfortunately, this is true (just simmed a scav base with 10k T1 against a
> bot Golem --> only 1 wing of 1000 fighters)
> I was so sure, there would be 10 wings of 1000 fighters each.
> Anyone else thinking this is plain wrong?
> Ralph Hoenig, Germany

In the past some hosts ago I saw over 10 Home Gouard wings of T1, 2 or 3
of T2s and 1 of T3s in the same ombat. So if you are right, it seems to me
that it have to do with the new combats "rules" or is a bug.
And yes, it seems me wrong.

Bye-Bye JoSch.
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"nospam" <> schrieb
> Ralph Hoenig schrieb:
>> Unfortunately, this is true (just simmed a scav base with 10k T1 against
>> a
>> bot Golem --> only 1 wing of 1000 fighters)
>> I was so sure, there would be 10 wings of 1000 fighters each.
>> Anyone else thinking this is plain wrong?
>> Ralph Hoenig, Germany
> In the past some hosts ago I saw over 10 Home Gouard wings of T1, 2 or 3
> of T2s and 1 of T3s in the same ombat. So if you are right, it seems to me
> that it have to do with the new combats "rules" or is a bug.
> And yes, it seems me wrong.
> Bye-Bye JoSch.

Yeah, I saw this too some time ago and was about to type something along the
line of many Homeguardwings of 1000 each, but then thought, I better check
again (you know, this is Planets, after all. With every new host anything
you take for granted might have changed)

Ralph Hoenig, Germany