I recently read the article on the ASUS CT-479 upgrade adapter and the Pentium M Dothan CPU. I was intrigued by the results and am seriously thinking about implementing this configuration to the system that I am building. I recently purchased an ASUS P4C800-E mobo and the questions that I have concern the section of the article that states that the EPROM needs to be changed to a 2mbit one and that the BIOS needs to be flashed to the latest version. My mobo comes stock (according to the specs in the mobo manual and the ASUS website) with a 4mbit EPROM. In order for the CT-479 and Dothan 770 to work on my system, will I have to actually replace the EPROM or can I keep the existing one and just update the BIOS? If I DO need to replace the EPROM, where do I get it? This is only the 3rd time I've ever built a PC and this is going to be my personal high-end game machine so I want the fastest I can get and most importantly, to do it right!