I have a PowerSpec G353 computer (http://powerspec.com/systems/system_specs.phtml?selection=G353) with a 250 GB SATA SSD and I want to upgrade to a 1 TB NVMe SSD (https://www.amazon.com/Black-SN750-...QXMN/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8&th=1) but not sure about this statement listed under the about section for the 1 TB NVMe SSD. "NVMe drive not compatible with SATA interface" Does that mean no mix and matching between a SATA and NVMe? Or something else because I did check the motherboard's compatibility and it does say that a NVMe SSD can be used and also used as a boot drive. What I want to do is replace my SATA SSD with the NVMe SSD so that I'm only using the NVMe SSD which means I'll have to do a clean install of the operating system, etc.