Question About Gaming Performance on my Computer.


Aug 2, 2016
Greetings fellow PC gamers! I recently upgraded my computer a bit and need some honest opinions and thoughts about possible gaming performance. Am I going to be able to max out most of the new games or is it almost impossible with my current setup?

My build is as follows:

Processor: Intel i-7 6700k
Motherboard: Asus Z170-A
GPU: Asus Strix GeForce GTX 1070 OC
Ram: Kingston 16GB HyperX Fury DDR4 2666mhz.

I've tried some games in these past days and have been pretty happy with the results. (1080p)

Mad Max - 170fps with every thing maxed out.
Battlefield 4 - 130-170 fps on Ultra Preset (everything) maxed.

Also would like to know what game settings are going to butcher fps a lot! such as: Anisotropic Filtering, SSAO, Anti-aliasing.

Yes, in 1080p you are going to max out just about everything with a GTX 1070.

What reduces FPS the most is resolution, but you'll always stay in 1080p so that won't affect you. After that it really depends on the game, but texture quality matters a lot, you can stay in Ultra. Anti-Aliasing can drop FPS a decent amount going from none or FXAA to MSAAx8, but still nothing your GPU can't easily handle.
Yes, in 1080p you are going to max out just about everything with a GTX 1070.

What reduces FPS the most is resolution, but you'll always stay in 1080p so that won't affect you. After that it really depends on the game, but texture quality matters a lot, you can stay in Ultra. Anti-Aliasing can drop FPS a decent amount going from none or FXAA to MSAAx8, but still nothing your GPU can't easily handle.
Thanks for the great answers! I remembered that MSAA or FXAA used to pretty much destroy my 760. I think the next step would be 1440p, but I don't really need to hurry with that yet.

Battlefield 4 seems to squeeze a lot @ultra with all the explosions and such, but if it keeps over 120fps I am pretty happy with that.