Question about my CPU and GPU


Mar 15, 2014
I currently own a Intel i5-760 LGA 1156 runs at 2.8 ghz.

The graphics card that i'm using is a Radeon HD 5750.

My question to you guys, which would be more likely to bottleneck during high stress situations? I understand in most cases it's the CPU. However on many games that I have been playing my GPU is always maxing at 100% usage and my CPU is barely batting an eye lash, usually running at 30%

I just need confirmation on which is the problem, would be very much appreciated 😀

TESO is very, very demanding at the highest settings so even a GTX780 won't max it out. It will still look good with a cheaper card so it really comes down to your BUDGET.

The R9-280 is so new it's hard to find reviews. I also do NOT recommend getting any particular card unless there's several Customer Reviews to see if that model has any...

Alright one last question for you, it might stress your knowledge. MSI h55-gd65 this mother board that I have listed, can this board limit the GPU or CPU? Other than the Pcie 2.0 issue.
I'd just to like to point out that Elder scrolls online is very CPU demanding, It's still in beta of course, but it will be released in a couple of weeks and currently there is no CPU out there that can pull a steady 60 fps in large scale pvp battles.
Hopefully this will change til launch, just don't spend a ton a new GPU.
A 760 would suffice, the rest would depend on your CPU.

TESO is very, very demanding at the highest settings so even a GTX780 won't max it out. It will still look good with a cheaper card so it really comes down to your BUDGET.

The R9-280 is so new it's hard to find reviews. I also do NOT recommend getting any particular card unless there's several Customer Reviews to see if that model has any issues.

The PERFORMANCE sits between a stock HD7950 and HD7970 so I'm not sure that $300 is a particularly great deal:

For $330 you can get an ASUS GTX770 that performs well above that:

*Look at my first link, then the benchmark and we see the R9-280 would be roughly 75 to 80% the performance of the Asus GTX770.

The R9-280 does have 3GB of VRAM apparently but that's not really a big deal as there's arguably NO games at the performance level that need more than 2GB (unless you mod or use really high settings that drop your performance low anyway).

*Regardless of what card you get:
a) Look at the BENCHMARK I provided to determine the VALUE of the card
b) Make sure it's got good Customer Reviews for that exact model.